An object containing information about a chat flow template.

    "description": "STRING",
    "iconUrl":     "STRING",
    "id":          "STRING IDENTIFIER",
    "name":        "STRING",
    "previewUrl":  "STRING",
    "templateId":  INTEGER IDENTIFIER


OPTIONAL - String Identifier

Validation: 300 character limit

The human readable description of the template.


OPTIONAL - String Identifier

Validation: A valid URL including protocol http(s)

The URL for the icon for the template. In a white labelled version of the EyeLevel dashboard, this icon will be rendered with the template tile in the template library. If an icon URL is not provided, the template tile will render without an icon.



Validation: Value is an existing EyeLevel flow identifier

The unique identifier for the chat flow associated with the template.


REQUIRED - String Identifier

Validation: 20 character limit

The human readable name of the template.


OPTIONAL - String Identifier

Validation: A valid URL including protocol http(s)

The URL for the preview of the template. In a white labelled version of the EyeLevel dashboard, this preview image will be shown when the preview button is clicked in the template library. If a preview URL is not provided, the preview button will be hidden on the template tile.


REQUIRED - Integer

Validation: Value is an existing EyeLevel template identifier

The unique integer identifier for the template.

Last updated