
Quick Start

This Quick Start guide is intended to show you how to upload documents and search them using the GroundX APIs. The code within this QuickStart guide can be downloaded from the code samples GitHub repository in Python and TypeScript.

Step 1: Download GroundX SDK (optional)

This step is optional. Do this step only if you want to use our TypeScript (for javascript and NodeJS projects) or Python SDKs.

Use the following shell commands to install:

pip install groundx-python-sdk
npm install groundx-typescript-sdk --save

Step 2: Register and Get Your API Key

Before you can use our APIs, you will need to create an account here.

Log into the GroundX Dashboard and navigate to API Keys.

Navigate to API Keys

Copy your API Key and save it somewhere for use later in this tutorial.

Copy Your API Key

Step 3: Initialize Your SDK (optional)

If you're using one of our SDKs, you will use your API key to initialize your client:

from groundx import Groundx, ApiException
groundx = Groundx(
import fs from 'fs';
import { Groundx } from "groundx-typescript-sdk";
const groundx = new Groundx({
apiKey: groundxKey,

Replace groundxKey with your GroundX API key.

Step 4: Make Your First Request

All of our API requests require your API Key in the header. Here is an example of how to include it:

curl https://api.groundx.ai/api/v1/bucket \
-H "X-API-KEY: <your_api_key>"
bucket_response = groundx.buckets.list()
bucketId = bucket_response.body["buckets"][0]["bucketId"]
const bucketResponse = await groundx.buckets.list();
bucketId = bucketResponse.data.buckets[0].bucketId;

For bash requests, replace <your_api_key> with your actual API key.

If your request is successful, you will receive a response that looks something like this:

"buckets": [
"bucketId": <unique_system_generated_id>,
"fileCount": <number_of_documents_in_bucket>,
"fileSize": "<files_size_total>",
"name": "<your_bucket_name>"

This request will return a list of your content buckets where you can upload your documents. Make note of the bucketId for use later in this tutorial.

Step 5: Upload Content

To upload document content, use the Document Upload API:

curl https://api.groundx.ai/api/v1/ingest/documents \
-H "X-API-KEY: <your_api_key>" \
-d '{
"documents": [
"bucketId": bucketId,
"fileType": fileType,
"sourceUrl": ingestHosted
# Upload local documents to GroundX
ingest = groundx.documents.ingest_local(
"blob": open(ingestLocal, "rb"),
"metadata": {
"bucketId": bucketId,
"fileName": fileName,
"fileType": fileType,
# Upload hosted documents to GroundX
ingest = groundx.documents.ingest_remote(
"bucketId": bucketId,
"sourceUrl": ingestHosted,
"fileType": fileType,
// Upload local documents to GroundX
let ingest = await groundx.documents.ingestLocal([
blob: fs.readFileSync(ingestLocal),
metadata: {
bucketId: bucketId,
fileName: fileName,
fileType: fileType,
// Upload hosted documents to GroundX
let ingest = await groundx.documents.ingestRemote({
documents: [
bucketId: bucketId,
fileType: fileType,
sourceUrl: ingestHosted,

Replace ingestLocal with the path to your local file, ingestHosted to the URL of your hosted file, fileType with one of the enumerated file types (e.g. txt, pdf), fileName with a name for your file, and bucketId with the content bucket you would like to add the document to.

If your request is successful, will receive a response that looks something like this:

"ingest": {
"processId": "<unique_system_generated_id",
"status": "<enumerated_status>"

Make note of processId. You will need it in the next step of this Quick Start guide.

Step 6: Check the Status of Your Upload

Make the following request to query the status of your document upload as it is processed through the GroundX ingestion pipeline:

curl https://api.groundx.ai/api/v1/ingest/:processId \
-H "X-API-KEY: <your_api_key>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
ingest = groundx.documents.get_processing_status_by_id(
ingest = await groundx.documents.getProcessingStatusById({
processId: processId,

Replace processId the processId from the previous step.

If your request is successful, will receive a response that looks something like this:

"ingest": {
"processId": "<unique_system_generated_id>",
"progress": {
"complete": {
"documents": [
"documentId": "<unique_system_generated_id>",
"fileName": "<given_file_name>",
"fileSize": "<files_size_total>",
"fileType": "<file_type>",
"bucketId": <your_bucket_id>,
"processId": "<unique_system_generated_id>",
"sourceUrl": "<document_url>",
"status": "<enumerated_status>"
"total": 1
"status": "<enumerated_status>"

The value of status will be one of queued, processing, error, or complete.

Step 7: Search Your Content

Make the following request to search your ingested content:

curl https://api.groundx.ai/api/v1/search/:id \
-H "X-API-KEY: <your_api_key>" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"query":query}'
content_response = groundx.search.content(id=bucketId, query=query)
const searchResponse = await groundx.search.content({
id: bucketId,
query: query,

You can also use projectId or groupId in place of bucketId in your search query. Any of the 3 values will work for search queries. Replace query with the query you want to use to search your content.

If your request is successful, will receive a response that looks something like this:

"search": {
"count": <int_number_of_results>,
"query": "<your_query>"
"score": <float_highest_relevance_score_in_results>,
"text": "<combined_text_of_search_results>",
"nextToken": "<token_for_next_set_of_results>",
"documentId": "<unique_system_generated_id>",
"score": <float_relevance_score_of_result>,
"searchData": {
"sourceUrl": "<source_document_url>",
"suggestedText": "<rewritten_text_for_LLM_completions>",
"text": "<original_text_of_result>"

We strongly recommend you use search.text for your LLM completions. We provide search.results in case you want to create your own context from the search results. If you choose to do this, rather than use search.text, we strongly recommend you use search.results[n].suggestedText for your context.

If you need to look up a projectId, groupId, or bucketId, you can find them in the GroundX Dashboard or by querying for them using the APIs.

Make the following request to query for your projects:

curl https://api.groundx.ai/api/v1/project \
-H "X-API-KEY: <your_api_key>"
project_response = groundx.project.list()
projectId = project_response.body["projects"][0]["projectId"]
const projectResponse = await groundx.project.list();
projectId = projResponse.data.projects[0].projectId;

If your request is successful, will receive a response that looks something like this:

"projects": [
"buckets": [
"bucketId": <unique_system_generated_id>,
"fileCount": <number_of_documents_in_bucket>,
"fileSize": "<files_size_total>",
"name": "<your_bucket_name>"
"created": "<project_created_date_time>",
"fileCount": <number_of_documents_in_project>,
"fileSize": "<files_size_total>",
"fileCount": <number_of_documents_in_project>,
"name": "<your_project_name>",
"projectId": <unique_system_generated_id>,
"updated": "<project_updated_date_time>"

Next Steps

Now that you've successfully used the GroundX APIs to upload and search content, you can dive into our tutorials and documentation!

Remember, our APIs are still in closed beta, so we appreciate your patience and feedback as we continue to improve our service.